

另外除了Rh催化剂,钛催化的反应也有报道。【Buchwald SL, J Am Chem Soc.1993, 115, 12569】


N-Acetyl-(R)-phenylalanine 2. The rhodium catalyst was obtained by adding (R,R)-DlOP 3 (fromdiethyl tartrarte) to a benzene solution of [RhCl(cyclooctene)2]2 under argon and stirring for 15 min. A solution of the catalyst (1 mmol in EtOH:PhH 4:1) was added under H2 to a solution of

1 (molar ratio catalyst:substrate 1:540). After hydrogenation at 1.1 bar, the solvent was evaporated, the residue was dissolved in 0.5N NaOH and the catalyst was filtered. Acidification and evaporation afforded 2 in 90% yield and 82%ee.

【Kagan HB, J Am Chem Soc., 1972, 94, 6429】

Buchwald SL, J Am Chem Soc.1993, 115, 12569


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编译自:Organic Syntheses Based On Name Reactions, 3RdEd, A. Hassner, Page 246.

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